Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break

Ah Spring Break the time for sunburns and bubble burns (for those of you who don't know when you go to a foam party and get your bump and grind on, the foam leaves a nasty rash aka bubble burn). Time for one night stands and keg stands... you get the point. For me however it is time for cleaning and working. At least this year, instead of jetting off to exotic places I slept, worked, cleaned and drank. Normally, boulder is bumpin, people in the streets fun parties excitement. Not so much over break... the streets turn desolate places close down and the weather turns bitchy. Okay so there was just a ton of wind. I HATE wind more than anything. It scares the shit out of me. I feel like everything  bad happens on a dark windy night. Plus, sometimes if a huge gust of wind hits me I have a hard time breathing. I was informed that this is strange. Anyway so I got some pretend tanning in (I don't really tan I freckle and burn). I had to do all this tanning in between bursts of gale force winds but I still managed. I cleaned the shit out of our house where I discovered one of our windows is made of plastic and I found about $3 in change. Anyway two very exciting things happened. The first.... we made MEAD! Thats right I have reached a whole new level of drinking where I am crafting my own booze. If you don't know what mead is... google it. It started with a text of excitement.... then a trip to the grocery store. People stare at you strange when you are drunk and buying a ton of honey. Then we went to Ripple... it's a sin to be so close and not get frozen yogurt. So deliciousness and supplies we headed to Kristins house. We began to prepare. I plugged the sink and started thawing the honey 

Poor honey bears, they look like they are drowning. Well I'm brilliant and on accident put the plug in upside-down soooooo I broke Kristins sink. I guess I should probably go fix it. So next, we mixed all the ingredients.

Kristin had some troubles with the raisins.... then it was time for a drink break...

Naturally There were margaritas involved. It's always a drinking event. Hooping, Mead and Tequila... the best combo. We are planning on drinking our Mead on the 4th of July or If one of us bangs The hottest man in Glenwood. 

The other great event that went down is my mom came to visit. This is kind of a typical thing but this time was going to be different because I had plans. Big plans. To do fun things. We were Going to go tour the tea factory and go to all these fancy dinners and go hiking and go to a dinner theater. Oh and we were going to ride the Carousel of Happiness. 
Most of these things didn't happen. EVERYTHING was closed. Legit. So instead we ate a ton, laid around a lot and went to the dinner theater. 
Have you ever noticed that whenever you go to a live show you manage to fall in love with someone on stage? Always happens to me. Happened to me again at Swing
Anyway while all of you were out tanning in exotic places. I did a whole lot of nothing except propel my alcoholism to a new level and eat everything in sight. 

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